come out prevod sa engleskog na nemački online

come out | englesko - nemački rečnik

come out


1 To come into public view; make a public appearance
2. To become evident
3. To declare oneself especially in public utterance
4. To turn out in an outcome; end up
5. To make a debut
6. To openly declare one's homosexuality
7. To openly declare some
thing about oneself previously kept hidden — often used with as
8. When information becomes known to the public, it comes out.
9. To come forth or out; SYN. pop out.
10. When flowers or leaves start to grow, they come out.
11. When clouds move and the sun becomes visible, it comes out.
12. When people with authority and influence come out for or come out in favor of people or things, they publicly announce support for them. When people with authority and influence come out against people or things, they publicly announce opposition to them.

+ prikaži više
appear · break through · bug out · bulge · bulge out · come forth · come forward · come in · come on · come out of the closet · come to the fore · egress · emerge · erupt · fall out · go forth · issue · out · place · pop · pop out · protrude · push through · show up · start · step forward · step to the fore · step up · surface · turn out · turn up + prikaži više
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